With the Paris Agreement (2015) most countries in the world agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to keep global warming limited to “well below 2°C”. The use of fossil fuels is the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions. This begs the question on how we move away from our current energy system based on fossil fuels to one that is “climate neutral” or “CO2 -free”. Huge investments, planning procedures, new regulatory framework, the development of large supporting industry and the construction of new transmission grids and other infrastructure are required to accomplish this. All with all a very complex transition. To introduce you to the complexity of the Energy Transition with the help of water, we’ve developed the Offshore Energy Game.
The goal of the Offshore Energy Game is to meet the energy demand of the mainland with green energy from the sea. The complexity and learning outcomes of the game are hidden within all the possible options. Every decision affects the costs and sustainability of the project and the energy grid so teamwork and discussions are a must to make the best decisions.
By using the existing energy pipelines and cables and different kind of energy sources (electricity, hydrogen, heat, methane, and CO2) we show the different kind of possibilities to reach the game’s goal – as well as the complexity of it all. To make it even more realistic we added gaming elements like an energy market and multiple connection points to the mainland. The game has three levels to introduce the complexity and each level knows their own challenges. With over a million possible scenarios on the most challenging level, you will (probably) never play the same scenario twice!
You can find more information about the game and workshop in our brochure or contact us directly.
We’ve also developed this concept into an online game so we can offer the same experience during our online and in-company programmes.
Curious? Try out the demo of the game at the end of this page.
This serious game is co-developed by WeGo Sustainable. Where we had the idea and did the research, they used the data to develop this game. The Game Bakery realised te online version of the game!